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HomeiOS Developmentios - Create gradient with tint coloration in SwiftUI

ios – Create gradient with tint coloration in SwiftUI


When styling a view in SwiftUI, I can use .foregroundStyle to use a customized form model, e.g.


In addition to colours, I can use some extra “superior” form types. For instance, .tint refers to TintShapeStyle somewhat than a coloration and solely resolves to a concrete coloration internally:


If I wish to create a gradient for the foreground model, that is straightforward to do as effectively utilizing predefined colours:

view.foregroundStyle(.linearGradient(colours: [.blue, .clear], startPoint: .high, endPoint: .backside))

Sadly, I used to be not ready to determine the right way to use “dynamically resolved” colours (equivalent to .tint) when making a gradient as there isn’t any initializer that accepts a ShapeStyle enter (solely an inventory of Shade is supported). Is there a approach to do that in iOS 17?



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